Welcome to My Quilting Nest

Welcome to my passion of quilting, I live in Northland New Zealand. I love all the fabrics, and could sew every day, my mind is always a buzz of ideas. So wander through my blog and please post comments - always open to ideas - enjoy - Thanks Janis

Saturday, July 10, 2010

More camelias

Just couldn't resist these camelias - unbelievable that they come off the same tree. Something you probably didn't know about me - I used to collect porcelain shoes, these ones came from Italy.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Busy in the Nest

This is what I am working on at the moment - quilting the beginners quilt. I have learnt so much by doing this class, techniques I hadn't done before.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


I saw this beautiful camelia on my tree so just had to share it with you.

My 60th Birthday

These lovely ladies made me a special 60th birthday quilt.